Social Media Marketing: 7 Ways It Has Evolved in the Past Decade
Social media is now at the centre of digital marketing and marketing as a whole. Social media networks are the largest aggregators of activity on the planet right now. An estimated 2.9 billion people were on social media in 2020.
Is Content Marketing Dead? 6 Reasons Why It has to Evolve
Content marketing has evolved through the decades to become much different than what it was before. You can’t just put up the same kinds of blogs or web pages that you did before. You can’t hope that a simple poster
How to Choose the Right Keywords to Market Your Online Business?
Keywords are said to be the foundation upon which SEO stands. They’re the hooks that search engines bite to deliver the users to the right content. Search engines like Google have used keywords to fish for content since the early
Are Social Media Users Exploited? 6 Ways We Can Change All That
As you may be aware, WhatsApp announced its new terms of service. They included new conditions which allowed the App to share data with Facebook, its parent company. If users wanted to use the App’s services still, they would have
What Is the Importance of Cloud Computing for Online Businesses?
Cloud computing has become a staple for online businesses today. It doesn’t just allow businesses to store information and increase processing power but also to scale it. Cloud computing enables businesses to maintain maximum uptime and provide their services to
How Will 5G Change Digital Marketing Forever?
5G is the next step in digital connectivity after 4G. While the technology isn’t available in most countries around the world, the roll-out is slowly happening. 5G will ensure faster internet download and upload speeds for sure. However, what will it
10 Strategies to Make Your Web SEO Compatible with Voice Search
According to Adobe, 48% of web searches were voice-based in 2019. In 2020, that number was poised to grow even greater. Hence, businesses around the world should start optimising their websites for voice-based search. The Popularity of Voice Search Has Surged The
6 Benefits of Agile Marketing
According to, half of the companies around the world apply agile methodologies in their marketing. While it has its roots in the world of software, it’s being applied in many fields around the world. Businesses have taken advantage of
How Will 5G Change Digital Marketing Forever?
5G is the next step in digital connectivity after 4G. While the technology isn’t available in most countries around the world, the rollout is slowly happening. 5G will ensure faster internet download and upload speeds for sure. However, what will it
What Can AR and VR Do for Digital Marketing?
AR and VR are two technologies that are intrinsically linked today. They are being used for niche applications like mapping and gaming. However, they’re also being used in the advertising space as well. AR digital marketing is being used to
The Internet of Things and Its Impact on Digital Marketing
IoT is making a massive impact on marketing around the world. While the technology hasn’t been completely rolled out yet, the pieces are coming together. 5G is being rolled out, and smart technology is being used in everything from cars
How Will Smart Wearables Impact Social Media Marketing?
For a smartwatch, social media doesn’t exist the way it does on a smartphone or tablet. The smaller size and fewer options to access a wearable make it a challenge to market something to a user. Sure, the health and