Powerful Digital Marketing Tools
Did you just launch your business website? Are you struggling to attract traffic? Nowadays, there are several free and paid digital marketing tools to promote your products and services. Consider the following tools and integrate them into your marketing strategy
How To Create an Interim Content Marketing Strategy Right Now – Part 2
In the last post, we discussed how to create an interim content marketing strategy. Here are some more steps that you need to take. 1. Create Tailored Content In the hour of need, there’s no need to stick to the standard templates.
How To Create an Interim Content Marketing Strategy Right Now – Part 1
How is your content marketing strategy holding up during the ongoing pandemic? If coronavirus has neutralised your content marketing strategy, then you need to improvise it. You may consider creating an interim content marketing strategy. A brief, one-page strategy can help with
How Do Retargeting Ad Campaigns Work?
Do you know 96% of your website visitors are not ready to purchase? However, there is a marketing strategy that can help you change their minds. Retargeting or ad targeting is a marketing strategy that is used to develop ads for
When You Send An Email Are You Using It To Your Advantage?
How often do you use emails for marketing? Have you ever contemplated about email marketing? The number of global email accounts is three times more than the combined Twitter and Facebook accounts. Among all the digital marketing strategies, email marketing is known to have the highest ROI. Therefore,
Moving to Mastery – Who Can Make You Be Seen as the Leader of your Market
Do you run a business? Are you struggling with your sales and services? Did anyone tell you that a well-structured digital marketing strategy can help with customer acquisition? Irrespective of the commitment, performance, and quality of your business, you might have
AdWords and Bing is decreasing – Facebook and LinkedIn are on the up!
In the recent times, advertising mediums such as Google Adwords and search engine backed marketing tools such as Bing Ads have garnered a hefty following. Marketers have come to use such marketing and advertising tools to promote their respective brands
What is the Purpose of Blogging?
In this age of constantly evolving technology, a business’ digital marketing efforts form an integral part of its overall marketing strategy. From the utilisation of social media to the adoption of techniques which drive traffic to the business’ site including
What is Machine Learning Going to do – Artificial Intelligence is Here in Digital Marketing!
The development and enhancement of the current technological landscape has given rise to digital marketing being utilised as the ‘go-to’ for devising and executing marketing strategies. Within the digital marketing industry, a major innovation which has come forth in the
Boost Your Content Marketing – What You Need to Do to Engage
Conventional marketing strategies are dying. Today, the world is all about content marketing. Before understanding content marketing, it is necessary to familiarise yourself with the word “content”. Content is any information that can be expressed in the form of writing,