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How To Create an Interim Content Marketing Strategy Right Now – Part 2

Person working on a desktop

In the last post, we discussed how to create an interim content marketing strategy. Here are some more steps that you need to take.

1.         Create Tailored Content

In the hour of need, there’s no need to stick to the standard templates. Many organisations have stepped in to provide relief options to their customers. As a content marketer, you can also brainstorm how your niche expertise and resources can address the concerns of your audience.

Offer quality content that is not only “wanted” by your audience, but one that they “need” in the times of crisis.

2.         Assess Content Creation and Distribution Channels

Go over your process of content creation. For this purpose, go through your old strategy and pick out the tools that you use for content marketing across different channels.  Adjust the process slightly to comply with your new needs.

Next, list down your distribution channels and formats. If in-person events were an integral distribution channel for content, then you will have to put a stop to them for a while. Instead, innovate by setting up the tools and resources to create virtual events. Online videos are all the rage at the moment.

If your audience doesn’t have too much time on hand, such as the healthcare industry, then avoid creating a detailed industry report. The ideal format for such audiences is to write brief articles that are concise and clear.

3.         Plan the Content Frequency

By now, you are aware of the taste of your audience. Now that you have an adjusted content plan make sure that you publish value-oriented and suitable content consistently.

Evaluate your content creation, promotion, and distribution in terms of resources. Are the budget cuts going to lay off the writer who was tasked with the weekly blog posts? Has a key member stopped working due to the COVID-19 infection?

Take all the factors into account while setting up your content calendar. This is not the time to maximise content production – you have to be more careful and smarter with your content strategies.

4.         Re-Evaluate Your Goals

By this point, you have to re-evaluate your ambitions. What reactions would you like from your audience when they read your content? Is there going to be a measurable metric, such as website visits? Also, assign a timeframe for those actions.

For instance, you want the subscriber rate of your e-newsletter to increase by 1% within the next 20 days. However, make sure that your timeframe is short because this is an interim content marketing strategy. You can’t set a goal that shows the results in six months.  

Final Thoughts

These steps will be extremely helpful in creating a brief document. They show the purpose and plans of your content marketing strategy clearly and concisely. Review this document every week and keep improving it with the changing trends.