3 Data-Driven Content Marketing Methods

There are so many types of content marketing methods and strategies that it is difficult to determine what works and what doesn’t. A lot of fancy tools offer 100% increase in conversions and sales, but most of them are ineffective. Nonetheless, some of them are pretty useful. Here is a list of data-driven content marketing methods to grow your content marketing campaign.
1. Blog More
One of the most effective ways to generate organic traffic is to create blog posts. Although many websites engage in blogging, they fail to create a lasting impact. Sporadic blogging can help you with some terrific leads and greater traffic. However, you will have to increase your blogging efforts if you want to achieve more.
According to a study by HubSpot, you can gain 100 new visits with 2 blog posts per month. However, those who blog 16 times can increase these visits by thrice, and this goes for both B2C and B2B companies. Moreover, blogging creates more inbound leads. On average, those who blogged two times per month got 100 leads, while those with 16 blog posts acquired more than 400 leads! However, make sure that your blog quality does not degrade with this increase in volume.
2. Build Link-Magnet Content
The insertion of links brings better results to the table. Google has established that backlinks are among the leading content factors for ranking. This has been proved in a study that showed that the higher number of external backlinks influenced higher rankings. However, it is becoming tougher to acquire backlinks. You need a lot more sharing on social media and create a terrific content piece to land a few standard links.
With link-magnet content, you can generate links with the utmost ease. To do this, you can use infographics. Since almost two-thirds of people are visual learners, it is an effective strategy. Other forms of link-magnet content are videos, outlier case studies, whitepapers, and e-books.
3. Repurpose Existing Content
Everyone is dedicated to creating new content to drive sales and traffic, but many of them refuse to invest time in the content creation process. Content creation requires a lot of time. On average, a simple blog requires more than 3 hours of effort on a 1000-word post. This means that it can take you almost 7 hours to design a 2000-word blog post.
On the other hand, creating and publishing content in the video format is even more challenging. Moreover, you need a great deal of brainstorming to come up with relevant ideas for your content. Rather than thinking about fresh content, you can modify your existing content for new campaigns. Data demonstrates that content re-purposing is effective. For example, you can convert your blog into an email or a video. Similarly, you can make whitepapers from your emails.
It is also important to ensure new content is SEO friendly content. Read our Blog at https://theseoplatform.co.uk/blog/3-tips-to-help-you-create-seo-friendly-content/.