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How Can You Tweak Your Website for HTML SEO Optimisation? – Part 1

a snippet of HTML code

Tags are the primary components of HTML. They are hidden from users and are used to present data on the search engines. Hence, they allow search engines to process what your website is all about. As a result, you should focus on these tags for your on-page SEO.

Over the past few years, the influence of HTML tags has withered down. However, in 2019, some tags remain relevant, and the key is to target them via the HTML SEO optimisation strategies.

Title Tag

In the HTML code, the title tag manifests the following format.

<title>Your Engaging Title</title>

Search engines analyse title tags to assess the subject matter of a web page for displaying it in SERPs. Sometimes, Google uses a different title tag for your web page. This is due to the following reasons.

  • You have overstuffed keywords in the title.
  • Your title can’t match queries, forcing Google to improvise.
  • Your alternative titles are deemed a better fit by Google.

How to Optimise the Title Tag?

For your HTML SEO optimisation in the meta tile, consider the following tips.

1.      Adjust the Length

The length of your title length must be 70 characters or less. If you exceed this limit, it can be cut off in SERPs, which in turn can lose you some of your most crucial words.

Therefore, always count the characters of your title tag. Keep in mind that some letters occupy more space – for instance, the letter “W” takes more space than the letter “l” or “i.” You can also utilise characters savers like “/” for “or” or “&” in place of “and” to reduce your description.

2.      Incorporate Keywords

Google is quick to penalise webmasters when they indulge in keyword-stuffing. The key is to find the right balance. Don’t add more than two keywords and produce a unique and descriptive title that your customers can relate to. Moreover, try to attach keywords at the title tag’s beginning – so searchers can notice the relevant information quickly.

3.      Add Brand

If you want to promote your brand, a smart and clever way to do it is to incorporate it in the title tag.

Meta Description

A meta description is an HTML tag that entails a summary of the web page. The tag adheres to the following format:

<meta name=”description” content=”A brief description about what your web page is about”>

Like meta titles, Google can also modify your meta descriptions.

How to Optimise Meta Description?

For your HTML SEO optimisation in the meta description, consider the following tips.

1.      Adjust the Length

Earlier, the acceptable length for meta descriptions was 160 characters. Recently, it has been updated to 300 characters.

2.      Advertise Information

Use your meta description tag to promote your information, products, services, and brand concisely.

3.      Avoid Quotation Marks

Google removes quotation marks in the meta descriptions. So, refrain from adding alphanumeric characters in your meta description.

4.      Use Schema Markup

Incorporate this markup and to design rich, appealing snippets that are instantly clicked by your target audience.